Matching Your Garage Door to your Home

Matching Your Garage Door to your Home


Although interior design may be the latest hit, the outside image of your home is just as important as the inside décor. After the transition from old school wooden garage doors to more durable materials, it seems the design of garage doors got stuck. It got stuck on the average white aluminum garage door seen on countless family homes. The problem with that trope is that a staunch white garage doesn’t always match with the color of the homes’ exterior. Sometimes, even homes painted in pale colors are not complemented by a completely white garage door.

In cases like that it’s good to know that you have options to paint the garage door a variety of colors. With a light shade of a prime color it might look better if your garage door was a complementary color. Or you could even make the garage door stand out in a bold dark color to contrast the light color of your home. One good combination is a slight tan-gold paint on the outside of your home, with a navy-blue trim and garage door. If your style is slightly more subtle then perhaps a faint gold tint to the garage door could compliment a tan exterior better than the stark white.

Bold Garage Doors for Bold Homes

Maybe you have a more daring style and have already painted your home a dark or bold color. In that case, you definitely don’t want a boring and typical garage door ruining the overall aesthetics of your home. You want the garage door to be as personalized to you as the rest of your home. This is where picking a color for your garage door that compliments the look of your home is a crucial finishing touch.

An option that would make the front of your home look really sharp would be to match your garage door to your front door. Another possibility, with the use of impression fiberglass, would be to have a pattern on your garage door. With impression fiberglass, or any of the garage door material options, matching your garage door to your roof shingles could be another fun way to have the overall look of your home tie in together.

Open concept homes are more popular now than ever before, and with the obsession of openness comes all those windows. Keep the open and modern concept of your home going with windows on your garage door. We’re not just talking about a few slots at the top of a boring aluminum door, the option to have large opaque windows on your garage door could be the perfect touch to your home. With all the new materials used to construct garage doors, it is possible to add an extra flair to your home.

Now, at first thought a window into a garage, a space often used for storage of expensive or forgotten goods, often cluttered, and housing a vehicle, may sound like a terrible idea. But with garage doors being made out of aluminum and glass, it might be that statement piece that transforms your home into the next level. The appearance of glass that isn’t exactly see through can still add a bit of clarity and an edge to the exterior of your home.

Real Wood Garage Doors or Imitation, You Have Options

One other way to elevate the exterior of your home is by using imitation wood. Imitation wood is especially useful because it can match a variety of different house colors. This is because there are a variety of different shades and options when it comes to imitation wood. A shade of wood that compliments the exterior paint of your home takes the entire look to the next level. It’s the same idea as installing wood flooring to sharpen the look and increase the value of your home. The best part is that it’s imitation wood, not real wood, so you can get all the security and protection of a metal garage door with the chic look of a wooden garage door. Even though it can add that extra flair to any home, this is especially useful for already stylized homes.

If the home you’re working on already has a set style like a cottage home, then a wooden garage door will do even more to compliment it. If the house is already designed to have a particular look, why not ensure the continuity of the look? If it’s a cottage style home, more than likely there is a cottage style front door to match the aesthetic.

The garage door shouldn’t be treated any differently. A wooden garage door that adds to the overall look of your home can be the final touch in giving your home the quaint cottage on a hill feel you want. A wooden garage door can do more than further the coziness of your home, it can also add some drama to a bolder style.

For example, if you’re working with a Victorian style home, a plain old garage door may ruin the aesthetic. Maybe it’s a stand-alone garage, or perhaps you’re building a home from the ground up in the image of the grand Victorian homes. In either case, a brand-new wooden door could add that vintage touch the home is missing.

For certain other styles, like perhaps, a farmhouse styled home, a barn door might be more fitting look. A barn door, which would actually be made out of a more durable material like aluminum or steel, could also be fitting on structures other than your home garage door. For example, if you have a stand-alone garage, or perhaps a tool shed that sticks out like a sore thumb on your property.

Replacing its door with something stronger and more reinforced like imitation steel or aluminum could not only beef up the security of your building but also make it look more stylish and add value to your property in the form of looks instead of just storage or workshop space. However your home is designed or decorated, it is important to consider what a new garage door can add to the overall look and exterior aesthetic of your home.

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